Our youngest members, Joey Scouts can start at 5 years of age, moving up to Cub Scouts between 8 and 9. They begin to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them, with a growing awareness of their surroundings and nature, by getting out and about in the community.
Pax Hill is a great place for a first night away from home with bunk beds and sleeping bags, it’s like camping inside. Shower and toilet blocks are close by and there are leader rooms right next door.
There are many outdoor activities, but if the weather doesn’t cooperate, there are large verandas and other indoor spaces available.
Cub Scouts is for young people starting from 8, who move up to Scouts after turning 11.
Cub Scouts explore and try new experiences to expand their world perspective. They determine their own adventures, build friendships and develop their own sense of place.
Cubs often stay for two nights at Pax Hill in cabins, with older Cubs trying out camping in tents, use the bush toilets and make do without a shower regardless of the weather. They enjoy cooking over campfires and learning how to survive without the comforts of home.
Scouts are aged from 11 years, transitioning to Venturers before turning 15.
Scouts are given more responsibility for themselves and others with activities becoming more challenging. Camping for Scouts can mean a new level of self-sufficiency, and adventures can demand a greater level of risk management. Scouting is youth-led and adult-supported. Leaders are often scratching their heads in amazement at the wonderful ideas that youth members come up with!
Pax Hill has small and large campsite areas for usual camping with tents and central patrol organised catering. There are also areas of rough bush that can be used to learn and be tested in survival camping skills.
Venturer Scouts are young people aged between 14 and 18 years old, dedicated to fun, adventure and serving the community. When you’re dealing with your toughest years in school and making decisions about your future, Venturer Scouts can offer vital breathing space. You can focus on friendships and personal growth, while picking up valuable life skills along the way.
Pax Hill is a great place to take time out to work on mental and physical well-being. Become part of the Abseiling Team or organise your own camping.
Rovers welcome young adults from 18 to 25 years. You don’t need to have any Scouting experience.
Every Unit is different. Each has its own traditions, special interests and personalities.
Kulin Rovers call Pax Hill home, with their Rover Hut within the grounds. Rovers participate in the decision making of the Pax Hill Committee of Management, clear fallen trees using assessed chainsaw skills, assist with many Group and District events – often having more fun than the Cubs!